
This course explores the ways in which global marketing strategies reflect a deep understanding of markets and create valuable offerings for customers globally.

Broadly speaking, marketing strategy making is comprised of:

  • Segmentation: the process by which we segregate a relatively heterogeneous mass market into relatively homogeneous market segments.
  • Targeting: the process by which we analyze opportunities and identify those customers where our business has the greatest prospects for success.
  • Positioning: the process of assembling the 'total offering' (product, service, distribution and price) and communicating the benefits of this 'total offering' to the members of our target market.


Course content

  • Global Marketing
  • Segmentation
  • Targeting
  • Positioning
  • Target Markets
  • Market Strategy

Faculty curators

Thunderbird Asst Professor of Global Digital Marketing Man Xie

Man Xie

Assistant Professor of Global Digital Marketing
Thunderbird Professor Richard Ettenson

Richard Ettenson

Professor and Kieckhefer Fellow in Global Marketing and Brand Strategy