Solutions for a new era
Helping global leaders advance sustainable and equitable prosperity worldwide
Sustainability, ESG, and circular economy
Humans have impacted the environment more in the last 50 years than in our entire existence before that. Solving the world's sustainability challenges won't be easy. It will require the cooperation and support of institutions and organizations in all sectors. It will require leaders to think outside the box and develop new skills.
Through our curriculum, partnerships and commitment to sustainable growth, Thunderbird is preparing leaders to take on these challenges. To ensure that humanity’s environmental impact is positive.

Fourth Industrial Revolution
New technologies are fusing the physical, biological and digital worlds and fundamentally altering the way we live, work and relate to one another. In this new paradigm, organizations need a different type of leader.
With a transdisciplinary approach combining world-class faculty instruction and hands-on experience, Thunderbird is equipping leaders with the skill sets and digital global mindset they'll need to overcome the challenges and realize the opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Equity, diversity and inclusion
Since our founding in 1946, Thunderbird’s mission has been to advance inclusive prosperity worldwide. In diversity lies strength. Organizations will have to look to people from different cultures with different ways of thinking in order to meet the challenges and realize the opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Diversity and inclusion starts with mindset, which is why teaching global mindset is an integral part of our curriculum. This mindset bleeds into everything we do. Our regional Centers of Excellence embed Thunderbird in communities around the world, giving us tremendous opportunities to empower, support, educate and learn from people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, and cultures.

Global Development
One of the greatest challenges we face is growing inequality in society. While globalization has pulled millions out of poverty, many parts of the world are still struggling to find work and get food and clean water.
We are committed to helping balance out inequalities. Through our diverse and inclusive global network of students, leaders, entrepreneurs and partners, we are working tirelessly to provide resources and opportunities to these underserved communities.