
This case study follows the evolution of the plant-based meat alternatives industry, focusing specifically on the major competitors, Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat. It provides a good snapshot of the way in which the new industry has evolved, and how key industry forces have begun to shape the competitiveness and profitability of this nascent industry. It builds on an analysis of the industry to explore the fortunes of its rising stars and concludes with key questions about the potential future trajectory of Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods in the face of new competitors and defensive strategies deployed by established meat producers. The case sets up the backdrop for a spirited debate about the viability of the strategies of the established rivals versus the emerging new players amid unclear consumer trends and preferences.

Students will:
1. Explore the key environmental trends that have been reshaping the food industry in general and the plant-based foods business in particular.
2. Understand the dynamics of competition within industries and how the interplay across the five forces can influence profitability of the business.
3. Examine the evolution of firms within the context of newly evolving industry niches and how they can find new ways to structure alternative value propositions as they seek to enter well-established industry contexts.
Case number:
Kannan Ramaswamy
North America
14 pages
Published sources