Financial integrity: Navigating new dynamics and preparing future leaders

Professor Richard Gordon is a globally-recognized leading expert in the field of financial integrity. While a senior staff member at the International Monetary Fund, Gordon took the principal lead in designing, developing, and implementing the Fund and World Bank’s policies in AML/CFT following the attacks of 9/11. He served on the Managing Director’s select Task Force on Terrorism Finance and was the principal author of reports to the Fund’s Board of Executive Directors advising that AML/CFT be made part of the IMF’s mandate. He was also the main drafter of the first methodology for assessing compliance with the Financial Action Task Force’s 40 Recommendations on Money Laundering—the FATF 40, or the world standard—and led the Fund’s first assessments of compliance in these areas.
In 2006, Gordon took leave from the Fund to join the faculty at Case Western Reserve University, where he created the first masters’ program in AML/CFT. In 2023, Gordon left Case Western to join Thunderbird and create the MLM: FI program.